Dietary Habits of Health and Fitness Enthusiasts You Should Try

As 2022 draws to an end, most individuals are busy trying to set their resolution goals for the next year. These objectives usually vary depending on the person— however, nearly every one of us has made healthy eating and fitness one of our chief goals for 2023.

It’s not surprising that most want to be fit and live an active life— yet, a good majority fail to achieve their desired results. That’s because many individuals don’t know how to change their dietary habits effectively.

There is a lot of information online about healthy eating that makes it difficult to know what works and what doesn’t.

However, you don’t have to worry! If you’re also someone who wants to change their diet and lifestyle for the better, this blog post is exactly what you need.

Today, we’ll discuss some game-changing dietary habits usually adopted by fitness enthusiasts to ensure you can easily meet your fitness goals. These tips are also backed by research to ensure their effectiveness.

Keep reading to find out more.

Avoid Bad Carbs but Choose Good Ones

One of the biggest mistakes most people make at attempting a healthy diet is omitting carbs entirely from their meals. Though cutting carbs does burn more fat, eating them is also incredibly important for you. When you avoid carbs in your diet, you put yourself at risk of developing a nutrient deficiency. It is why most experts advise replacing them with other foods to provide you with efficient nutrients. However, we recommend that you choose good carbs instead.

You might be wondering what is the difference between them— let us explain!

Bad carbs largely consist of processed foods such as sugar and starch. When we eat them, they get absorbed into the bloodstream and raise blood sugar levels. On the other hand, good carbs (also known as complex carbs) are natural and found in plant-based food. Not only do they keep you feeling full for longer and are full of good nutrients, but they are also highly beneficial for our gut.

a table with a bowl of salad with quinoa and vegetables

Good carbs can aid the balance of bacteria in our gut to ensure optimal health. That’s because the beneficial bacteria in the gut require soluble fiber, such as oats and quinoa, which have high levels of carbohydrates.

Choose Fresh Berries Instead of Dried Ones

Berries are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Not only are they scrumptious, but they’re also loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. They contain fiber, magnesium, prebiotics, and vitamins A & K. According to Eric Rimm, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard, those who eat berries tend to live longer than those who don’t. It’s why he recommends individuals have a cup of them every single day.

There is a variety of frozen and dried berries in the market to purchase. However, it’s imperative to eat berries while they’re fresh. That’s because dried ones have no water in them, which concentrates the amount of calories and sugar they have. Often, they’re also covered in sugar. So, it’s much better to load up on fresh berries instead.

Don’t Forget to Eat Healthy Fats

There was once a time when a majority of people touted low-fat diets for being beneficial. This ideology was also highly promoted by physicians, the media, as well as the food industry. It is why fat is still the first thing people cut from their meals when they try adopting a healthy diet to slim down. However, this is far from beneficial because a low-fat diet makes us cut back on healthy fats as well.

a healthy person eating

Fats are a major source of fatty acids and energy that helps the body easily absorb minerals and vitamins. They also support cell growth, keep cholesterol as well as blood pressure under control, protect organs, help inflammation, and are essential for muscle movement.

However, it’s important to differentiate good fat from bad fat. Trans fat and saturated fats aren’t highly beneficial for us because they boost the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol in the body. This is especially true when it comes to trans fats as they’re linked to heart disease, diabetes, strokes, etc.

However, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, fish, olive oil, avocados, vegetables, and seeds are beneficial for the body. As a matter of fact, studies increasingly confirm a high-fat diet with good fats can optimize weight management and boost weight loss.

Since these fats also keep you feeling full for longer periods, it also helps curtail cravings to keep you on track.

Ensure You Eat a Lot of Greens

Most of us don’t realize how important greens are for our diet. However, fitness experts know that they are loaded with fiber, minerals, and vitamins while being low in calories. This makes them the ideal food source for those looking to reduce weight. Moreover, leafy green veggies also help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cognitive decline, etc.


a health enthusiast eating healthily

In addition, many studies suggest that filling up on veggies can help you maintain a healthy weight and feel fuller throughout the day. In fact, simply eating a salad before meals can make you feel fuller for longer.

Help Your Gut by Adding Greek Yogurt to Your Diet

Did you know that your gut health affects your overall wellness? Several studies have confirmed that it is connected to our immune, digestive, and cardiovascular health. This is why experts recommend that you keep the good bacteria in the gut balance to maintain optimal gut health.

One of the best ways to improve your gut health is by consuming yogurt. Greek Yogurt, in particular, has a substantial number of beneficial bacteria. The probiotics in them help maintain diverse bacteria to ensure optimal digestive health. In addition, some types of probiotics in yogurt, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, have been connected to alleviating symptoms of conditions like IBS.

Add Protein Shakes to Ensure Weight Loss

It is no secret that when it comes to weight loss, proteins are considered one of the most important nutrients. After all, an increasing number of studies tout its various benefits for weight management. These include increasing the metabolic rate, reducing appetite, etc. Moreover, consuming enough protein can ensure one loses fat instead of muscle. As a result, it can be highly advantageous for those looking to become fit.

a fitness enthusiast shaking a chocolate-flavored protein shake

Unfortunately, most individuals don’t get enough or the right kind of protein in their diet. This is where protein shakes can be highly beneficial. That’s because they can help you conveniently add more protein to your diet while also maintaining and kick starting weight loss.

Adding protein shakes to your diet helps your body release GLP-1 and PYY hormones to make you feel fuller. A review confirmed that consuming even as many as 35 grams of protein from shakes can satiate hunger and curtail the desire to eat.

Moreover, pairing protein shakes with strength-training exercises can help you get lean muscles by increasing your metabolic rate healthily.  A study conducted on older adults for over 3 months found that those who drank protein shakes gained more muscle mass than those who didn’t.

Load Up on Proteins with The UpNourish Plant-Based Protein Powder

Now that we know why loading up on proteins is beneficial, it’s vital to get the right protein shake. After all, not all protein shakes are created equal. This is why I recommend the UpNourish Plant-Based Protein Powder. It is a superfood that is packed with over 50 nutrients to help lose weight, ensure a healthy gut, improve the digestive system, etc.

UpNourish Plant-Based Protein Powder shake

UpNourish’s Plant-Based Protein Powder is thick, creamy, and tasty like a smoothie and can be taken as a supplement for a meal. It has over 22 vitamins and minerals as well as amino acids to ensure you have all the nutrients you need. As a result, those who take this protein shake feel fuller for longer periods.

Since the product has plant-based protein, it’s also suitable for vegetarians and vegans looking to get more nutrition in their diet. It’s also a great choice for individuals on a keto diet.

Additionally, the product is non-GMO and contains no sugar, artificial color, or preservatives.

However, all this doesn’t mean that the protein shake lacks taste. On the contrary, it comes in a creamy chocolate shake that anyone will love. You can also get it in peanut butter flavor, strawberry banana, or vanilla cookie.

Click the link here to purchase it now from Amazon.

Closeup of a brown powder in a transparent jar

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