My Story

My Story

Tony’s Health and Fitness Blog was conceived out of a deep desire to share my passion for health and fitness with others. I have learned that LIFE comes at you fast and hits very hard. And you need to be physically and mentally fit to neutralize the blows it throws at you. I realized that to be able to withstand, maintain, and overcome the adversities and challenges of life and to actually achieve something meaningful, I had to achieve mental and physical well-being. I needed (and still need) to pursue a lifestyle and integrate elements in my life that foster better health and fitness.

My professional life as an active-duty army officer and, later, as a police officer required me to be physically fit. I had to cope with the strenuous and physically demanding lifestyle and overcome the routine challenges of military and law enforcement life. The nature of these challenges varied, but they all required clear, sound thinking and the strength to keep moving forward against all odds. Health and fitness were more than lifestyle choices for me. They were the core elements I needed to achieve my life goals; without them, I would have failed.

I am pragmatic enough to understand that no matter how well we live and how much we focus on our health and fitness, disease and sickness can still catch up to us. I understand because I’ve lived through this harsh reality myself. I’ve worked out regularly since my teenage years. I never smoked and was only a social drinker – even more moderate than typical social drinkers because of my tough schedule.

And yet, when I was 52, I suffered a heart attack. I had a physical just three weeks earlier, and my labs were good. My cholesterol was normal, and I was taking a statin and aspirin as prescribed. My blood pressure was normal as well. Diagnostically and even physically, I had no warning of what was about to come. God was merciful to me, and I survived my heart attack. And when I asked my Cardiologist why I had a heart attack and whether I did anything wrong, he simply said, “bad luck.” That was his professional opinion because there was no clear medical reason behind my heart attack. But he also told me that my active and healthy lifestyle helped me survive the heart attack. And I didn’t just survive; my heart suffered almost no permanent damage from the attack.
That heart attack was thirteen years ago, and it hasn’t pushed me away from the path of a healthy lifestyle. If anything, I am even more driven to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle. I am now 65 years old – still on duty, with an active lifestyle. And I actually feel younger as I age. I believe what I am doing is helping me stay youthful in thought and body.

At this age and with a heart attack in my 50s, I believe I’ve earned the right to say, “If I can do it, so can you.”

It’s true that no matter how good our lifestyle is, illness and disease may enter our lives.

It’s true that even if we are in our peak physical condition, an accident can cripple us or take us away.

Still, pursuing the path of health and fitness is more fulfilling and rewarding than you can possibly imagine.

I am a warrior, and I am going to do everything in my power to battle disease and old age. Getting older is inevitable, but we don’t have to feel old or act old just because we reach a certain age. With proper health and fitness, we can keep our body and mind strong enough despite disease and old age. We may not always have a choice, especially against diseases and deadly illnesses, but as long as we survive, we should always strive for better health and fitness. I live every day with passion, joy, and thankfulness because I’ve chosen the path of health and fitness.
So, I hope you join me on my journey to health and fitness and allow me to help you realize it’s important. With the right guidance and education, we can learn what we need to do to maintain or even improve our health and fitness and live every day with passion, joy, and thankfulness.