Improve Your Health and Fitness with These Smart Health Tech Devices

Exercise can be quite intimidating for beginners. Figuring out how long to work out, keeping track of your heart rate, and designing workout routines for yourself makes exercise hard to get into. Exercise can also be tedious, which makes it hard to keep yourself motivated for long enough to see results.

Modern exercise devices use smart technologies to tackle each of these problems. Today, some of the most impressive indoor machines use AI-driven resistance and immersive programs to make exercise feel natural, comfortable, and fun.

Whether you’re a beginner who has trouble sticking to exercise routines or an experienced enthusiast looking for a new addition to your home gym, here are some of the most impressive smart devices we’ve come across.

A NordicTrack Commercial Series treadmill

RENPHO Auto Resistance Exercise Bike

The RENPHO Auto Resistance Exercise Bike has completely redefined what it means for an exercise machine to be smart. It won Good Housekeeping Fitness Award in 2022 for its automatic resistance that takes comfort and immersion to a new level. Here are some things we love about this exercise bike.

Automatic Resistance for Cycling Apps

Unlike conventional bikes, where you have to change the resistance manually, the RENPHO Exercise Bike has automatic resistance. The bike connects to cycling apps such as AI Gym, Peloton, XERT, Zwift, and Kinomap via Bluetooth. When you’re exploring a map ride on an app, the cycle automatically adjusts the resistance level according to the terrain. This happens in real-time, so you feel an increase in resistance if you reach a steeper part of the map.

Unlike discrete modes on conventional bikes, the resistance level changes smoothly, so it doesn’t break your momentum. Exercise is more comfortable, more immersive, and more fun than ever before. If you get bored of exercise easily, this is a godsent machine.

AI-Powered Calibration

This bike’s automated resistance comes full circle with its built-in AI that calibers the tension for your personal goals. The AI analyzes data from your heart rate monitor or Apple Watch to figure out your functional threshold power, allowing it to optimize the workouts for your unique fitness level and goals.

The AI is designed to maximize results for you, so you don’t have to worry about getting tired too early or finishing workouts at low levels when you have more potential. The inclusion of AI technology in the RENPHO Auto Resistance Bike marks a new era for exercise machines.

Free Included AI Gym Classes

To top it all off, the RENPHO Auto Resistance Exercise Bike comes with 70+ classes on the AI Gym app that works with its auto resistance and AI. You don’t need a subscription to get started. Once you have the bike, you can start utilizing all its features from day one on the app.

Person standing next to a FUNMILY Elliptical Exercise Machine

NordicTrack Commercial Series

The NordicTrack Commercial Series treadmill is made to maximize immersion while brisk walking or jogging. Here the some of its smart features we find impressive:

HD Touchscreen

The treadmill has a 22″ HD touchscreen mounted on the panel that allows you to steam workouts or watch your favorite shows while you exercise. You no longer have to limit yourself to small tablet screens with NordicTrack Commercial Series. The screen is of optimal angular size from where you walk or jog. The screen also has built-in speakers and Bluetooth capabilities, allowing you to connect your headphones for better immersion

30-Day iFIT Family Membership

Make full use of the HD screen with a 30-day iFIT family membership included with this treadmill. You can stream on-demand workouts on iFIT and add up to 5 users to the app. The screen also tilts and pivots sideways, so you can follow other workouts on iFIT that don’t necessarily require a treadmill.

AutoAdjust, ActivePulse, and AutoBreeze

This treadmill can reach speeds up to 12 MPH, allowing inclination from -3% to 15%. The AutoAdjust feature of this treadmill automatically matches the speed and inclination of your iFIT workout in real-time. Workouts are fun and engaging and have an element of HIIT without you even realizing it.

The AutoPulse system helps you target heart rates while AutoBreeze adjusts fan speeds according to the workout intensity. This product is also Amazon’s Choice and is best for beginners and experienced enthusiasts alike.

Person using a Bowflex Treadmill Series

FUNMILY Elliptical Exercise Machine

The FUNMILY Elliptical Exercise Machine is ideal for cardio exercise as it allows you to use both your arms and legs to burn calories. Here are some reasons we love it.

Full Body Training

Cardio exercise focuses on aerobic respiration, as opposed to hypertrophy training which uses energy from anaerobic respiration. To get the most benefits of cardio exercise, you want to use as much energy from aerobic respiration as possible. When you only work out your legs, the muscles may resort to anaerobic respiration when they can’t produce enough energy aerobically. As a result, your legs get tired sooner, and you can’t continue.

An extreme form of this would be to try to get cardio with your bicep muscles only—it won’t get you anywhere. The FUNMILY Elliptical Exercise Machine allows you to burn calories aerobically through your leg and arm muscles. You get optimal cardio exercise without getting tired as easily. This elliptical uses a V-belt drive to make the experience smoother and more comfortable.

Integration with Qiber App

This elliptical integrates with the Qiber App, allowing you to participate in engaging and fun exercises designed for cardio. You can also compete with others to make your workouts more fun and adrenaline-filled.

Magnetic Resistance

This elliptical uses magnetic resistance instead of friction to make the flywheel smoother and noiseless. Magnetic resistance also makes it easier to do HIIT exercises as you don’t have to fight the flywheel inertia whenever you want to stop. This elliptical has ten levels of magnetic resistance to suit your unique goals.


Bowflex Treadmill Series

The Bowflex Treadmill Series is our recommended treadmill for people who can benefit from personalized workouts but don’t want to pay membership premium fees. Here are the features that impress us about this treadmill.

1-Year JRNY Membership

With this treadmill, you get 1-year membership with JRNY for free. As you use the treadmill, JRNY measures your fitness level to create customized workouts. It also gives you feedback on your performance and guides you through the challenges.

Auto-Adjusting Speed

The JRNY membership includes 50 maps from around the world that you can explore to keep things fresh. The treadmill adjusts its speed automatically, reaching top speeds of 12 MPH.

Impressive Inclination

If you want to push yourself, this treadmill allows an inclination of up to 20%. It also has extended grips to help you stay in one place when you’re jogging with a high inclination. Motorized decline on this treadmill reaches -5%.

Person using a Teeter Power10 Rower

Teeter Power10 Rower

The Teeter Power10 Rower is ideal for those who want to burn calories and get more defined muscles with the same machine. Here are some features that make this option stand out.

Cardio, HIIT, and Strength Exercises

As the name implies, the Teeter Power10 Rower is a rowing machine. You work out by pushing and pulling with your arms and legs. This means that you maximize your cardio performance the same way you do on a cross trainer—but this machine is good for much more than cardio.

Turn up the resistance, and you can get all the health benefits of HIIT training with the Teeter Power10 Rower in even less time than it takes to do cardio. The higher levels of resistance allow you to tap into anaerobic respiration, targeting muscle groups in your arms and legs for hypertrophic gains.

Patented 2-Way Magnetic Resistance

This rower uses patented technology to implement bi-directional magnetic resistance for pushing and pulling. This allows you to target more muscle groups than you can with any other rower. The result is faster fat-burning and better-defined full-body muscle gains.

Free Training App Included

The Teeter Power10 Rower comes with an app that includes trainer-led workouts without any subscription fees. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for an exercise machine to get more shredded, the app has exercises for every fitness level. This is a must-have, even if you own other fitness machines.

To Sum Up,

RENPHO Auto Resistance Exercise Bike is the smartest machine right now with AI-powered intelligent resistance. NordicTrack Commercial Series is our recommended machine for those that like to brisk walk or run, while Bowflex Treadmill Series is best for those that don’t want to subscribe for personalized training. FUNMILY Elliptical Exercise Machine and Teeter Power10 Rower are smart full-body machines; the latter also helps with muscle gains.

Pick a machine for your goals and get fit the smart way!

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