NordicTrack Commercial 2450 Review

While you may find a wide range of options when purchasing a commercial treadmill, such as the spectacular ANCHEER line and the Bowflex series, perhaps no other machine blends the best of both worlds as seamlessly as NordicTrack 2450 commercial treadmill. One of the best-selling commercial treadmill models of the year, it features a robust motor and a large deck for easy and engaging exercise. In addition, the 2022 model boasts a modern, more streamlined look.

Here, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the new features and upgrades in the NordicTrack 2450 Commercial treadmill‘s latest version. The machine will allow you to participate in many activities, such as walking, running, and hiking.

Check out our blogs for more NordicTrack c2450 reviews.

The 2450 is great for people looking to have intense training sessions, as it won’t lag or overheat even after a few hours of use. Its folding capabilities when you’re finished makes it ideal for smaller homes. Its large 22″ touchscreen makes it easy to use and navigate iFit’s extensive library.

The NordicTrack 2450 is a great model for fitness enthusiasts looking for a reliable and versatile commercial treadmill. Its 3.6-horsepower motor is designed to handle a variety of activities, and it comes with a soft cushioned deck which will keep your joints feeling great. Its adjustment buttons are quick-touch and will allow you to perform your training sessions at your desired intensity.

What Makes The NordicTrack Stand Out?

HD Touchscreen

NordicTrack Commercial 2450

The NordicTrack 2450 features a bright and engaging touchscreen that will allow you to navigate its system easily. Salient features include adjusting the speed, display, and incline during a program. Its screen has telescopic adjusting functionality, allowing you to take advantage of its various features.

iFit Trial

With iFit, you can create multiple profiles for each family member. It has over 15,000 classes available online, as well as TED talks.

15% to -3% Incline and Decline

The NordicTrack 2450’s ability to vary the decline and incline allows you to train various leg muscles. For instance, walking uphill will strengthen the posterior muscles and engage the anterior ones.


The NordicTrack 2450 features a variety of control buttons that will allow you to set a specific speed. The manual buttons will also adjust the speed by .10th to help users find the exact amount of speed they want easily. You can also hit two buttons in succession to get the exact speed you want.

Manual Mode

The manual mode of the NordicTrack 2450 is ideal for people who want to customize their workout or go beyond 60 minutes. It does not have a time limit and allows users to have full control over its features.

Design and Assist

The NordicTrack 2450 can be easily folded at the base of its deck through a handlebar. Its deck will be locked in place when not being used and remain in a vertical position.

Heart Rate and Bluetooth Connectivity

The NordicTrack 2450 comes with a Bluetooth-enabled console that can be used to connect its headphones. It also comes with a Heart Rate Monitor by SmartBeat, which can sync to the device through Bluetooth.

Changes in 2021 and 2022 Models

NordicTrack Commercial 2450

The NordicTrack 2450’s screen size has increased to 22 inches from 14 inches. Its new design features a larger adjustable touchscreen that can tilt down and up. Its overall appearance has also been improved, with the sides of the belt now tucked under the side rails.

The NordicTrack 2450’s new design features a lower step-up height, about an inch lower than its previous model. This feature can make a big difference in the way you perform your exercise. Another notable change that the 2450 has is its shock absorption, which is not adjustable.

The machine’s cushioning remains the same, providing the same support. Its new model has a 3.6-horsepower motor, while its previous model had a 4.0-horsepower motor. Its storage is also less on the upgraded model, as it only has a small space for items you might need nearby.

iFit Class


NordicTrack Commercial 2450

iFit has over 162,000 classes that over 180 instructors lead. Its library works perfectly for outdoor classes, as it is the most comprehensive platform for this type of exercise.

Besides the usual treadmill classes, iFit offers various other classes, such as yoga, cycling, meditation, and strength training. Some of these require equipment, while others don’t. It has different audio and video content, such as TED talks, that can be used as a part of your daily life. The company’s app for mobile and television allows you to keep track of your progress and keep up with the latest news.

We believe that iFit is a complete training system that can help you reach your goals and improve your mind and body.

If you’re not interested in following along with an instructor, iFit offers a manual mode that can be used without a subscription. It allows you to access its onboard workouts designed to meet your specific needs. Make sure you have a monthly subscription to get full access to iFit’s features and classes.


 a woman running on a treadmill

The large 22″ touch screen of the NordicTrack 2450 is a major component of its functionality. It features a variety of adjustment options that allow you to customize the device to meet your needs. For instance, you can use the screen to take a trail run or take a yoga class while you’re on the go.

The NordicTrack 2450’s large 22″ touch screen has been updated to a larger size, which is ideal for viewing all of its features. This feature worked best on various equipment, such as NordicTrack’s Incline Trainers and the S22i Studio Bike. The larger 22″ display also helps navigate through iFit, as the letters and numbers on the old model are larger. With the new model, we noticed have more space to select the app in the top right corner.

Although the 2450’s large display is ideal for viewing all of its features, it can still feel a bit shaky when you’re running. This is something that’s expected when using screens that are attached to a treadmill. Other models, such as the ProForm Pro 9000 and Peloton, have experienced screen issues.

The NordicTrack 2450 is very user-friendly, as it features a variety of quick-touch buttons on both the left and right sides of the screen. These allow users to easily change their resistance and grade and switch between high and low levels. These buttons are ideal for interval training, allowing users to adjust their settings easily.

The adjustment buttons are located below the screen. These allow users to change the resistance and incline by 0.1 and 0.5%, respectively. When using iFit, the 2450 will automatically adjust to match the instructor’s cues and the terrain. This eliminates the need for you to adjust the speed and grade manually.

Construction Durability and Quality

The NordicTrack 2450 is built with solid materials and features, which are ideal for people looking for a durable and functional device. Its 300 lb. weight capacity is only suitable for users up to this level. If you’re looking for a treadmill closer to this size, then the Sole F85 is a good choice.

Functionality and Performance

NordicTrack Commercial 2450

The NordicTrack 2450 is designed to provide a smooth and quiet experience when it comes to running. Its features work hard to provide a solid and stable performance, while its motor and incline function handles all types of training. Although the 2450’s motor gets louder with higher speeds, it does not produce much noise compared to other models.

The NordicTrack 2450 was thoroughly reviewed by our testers, and they highly recommend it to people looking for a stable and functional device. It can handle a variety of training levels, including walking, running, and jogging.

One of the main reasons our testers recommend the NordicTrack 2450 is because it features a 22″ touch screen, which is ideal for people looking for a more immersive experience. However, it should be noted that this model only supports iFit’s programming and cannot be used to access internet surfing or streaming services.


One of the most important factors our testers recommend when assembling the NordicTrack 2450 is having at least two people. This will allow them to get the most out of its features. NordicTrack also provides a 10-year warranty on the frame and a 2-year warranty on the parts and labor.

Start Your Fitness Journey Today – Available On Amazon

The NordicTrack 2450 is a great buy for 2022, as it features a sleek and modern design. Its new model also has several upgrades that make it easier to use and look at. The large 22″ touch screen and the free 30-day iFit subscription add more value to the device. The 2450 is a well-built machine that we highly recommend for anyone looking to improve their fitness.

If you’re looking to kickstart your fitness journey today with a machine that provides a modern and exciting addition to your exercises, buy the NordicTrack 2450 today on Amazon by clicking here!

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