Run Forrest Run – 8 Ways Running Improves Our Health

There is no doubt that running is a healthy activity and can help you improve your fitness levels over time. You just have to catch the front row of any organized running event or marathon in your community to see how passionate people are about running.

The best part about this cardio exercise is that you don’t need fancy equipment or tools to start. You just need a good, old-fashioned pair of legs and reliable running shoes. And off you go!

This is also a sport that doesn’t limit its members by age, gender, or ethnicity. Anybody and everybody can take up running. From playing tag and relay races in childhood to playing catch the bus and jogging to allow ourselves to have an extra slice of cake, running has always been a part of our lives. You don’t need a certain physique to call yourself a runner, either. Runners come in all shapes and sizes. All you need is the confidence to get started.

However, you need to be careful. Running is not without risks or dangers. You can sustain an injury, get tired, and experience pain after a long session. However, once you’ve educated yourself on the risks and dangers, you can be careful on the track.

So, if you’re ready to run for your cause – living longer for your family or just for the joy of running, lace up, my fellow runner. Here’s why running is one of the best activities to improve your health:

 a man running on a flat road with grass on both sides of the path

Running Can Help You Manage Stress

Forrest Gump ran hundreds of miles because he was trying to escape from his grief and stress. And when he was all tuckered out and relieved, he stopped and turned around to go home. Running is a form of relief from emotional strain, stress, and depression. And if you’ve ever hit the runner’s high, you’ll know that incredible feeling that can boost your mood during the exercise.

In a study, researchers found something interesting in the brains of long-distance runners. They used brain imaging and studied how running long-distance can increase opioid binding in the brain and trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins are our feel-good hormones which can give us a sense of euphoria or extreme happiness. So, if you run regularly, you’ll be happier than most people around you who don’t run.

You’ll Be Able To Connect With Other Runners In Your Community

Running is often a solo activity until you find a crazy group of people like yourself, just as Forrest did. When Forrest was running from his past, people became curious about why and what he was running for. He didn’t have an answer for them. However, many people around the world joined him, and it became a movement.

Runners can share a deep bond, and they support each other when they’re running. The entire journey of running is about surpassing your limits and becoming better, and going further each day. And that’s why runners can connect on many levels with each other. They can share their good and bad experiences. The running community can help keep you motivated and excited to keep running.

Running Can Help You Love Yourself

Self-love and self-confidence are very important. No one is going to love you more than you love yourself.

Running can help you develop confidence in yourself and raise your self-esteem. You can attach these self-esteem benefits to specific achievements and goals for yourself, like running a local marathon or running a 5K for charity and accomplishing those goals. And once you start achieving these goals will start trickling over to other areas in your life. It can be your love life, as you’ll become fit and physically attractive. It can be your work life where you’ll calmly handle the stressful situation because you’re internally stable.

You’ll definitely have a better perception of self-image and body image. A regular running regime can help you enhance your body and self-esteem and fall in love with yourself.

Your Energy Levels Will Go Up

If you’re feeling sluggish or tired, try going for a run. Running along with a healthy and balanced diet can boost your energy levels. If you’re starting your running journey, you can fit it into the morning part of your routine. Remember to set your alarm an hour before your usual waking time and keep your running gear ready the night before. This way, you can get a decent 30-40 min run in the morning with a healthy breakfast.

Also, according to research, people who run for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week have reported better moods, more focused concentrations during the day, and improved sleep quality.

a man tying his shoelaces on the street

Running Can Help Improve Your Memory

Running is good for boosting and maintaining your memory. Regular aerobic and cardio exercise can help promote cell growth (neurogenesis) and fight age-related cognitive deterioration.

You’ll also see an improvement in your mental ability function, like memory recall, problem-solving, and multitasking. Running can also reduce your risk of contracting Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases that affect cognitive abilities.

Running Can Help You Make Friends

Running can no doubt connect you to a large community, but that’s not the same as having a running buddy or close friend. If you enjoy running because of the solitude and views, that’s great. You can recharge. However, if you believe running to be a social activity, finding a running buddy can even deepen your sense of community. You can set goals and push each other to accomplish them. Also, a running buddy is a great way to take the competition and challenge up a notch.

You can create a social platform for runners to come together and celebrate their triumphs or share stories about obstacles they had to overcome.

Running Can Help You Manage Your Weight

Running is an efficient way to burn some extra calories. It’s a rigorous cardio exercise that can help you shed extra pounds and build lean muscle. Also, if you’re at a healthy weight, running can help you maintain your current fitness level.

Running increases the production of “after-burn” oxygen or EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). So, you’ll be burning calories even after your strenuous workout. However, some runners become dismayed when they notice an increase in their weight when they start running. Here you’ll need to check if you’re consuming more calories than you’re burning. If you are and need to lose weight, you can start eating in a calorie deficit. You can order different meal plans like Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig to help you get started. I have tried them myself, and they have shown promising results.

With that said, running does not give you a license to eat anything you want. Ensure to burn more calories you take in, and you’ll see the results reflected on your weighing scale.

a person running on a road

Running Can Help Keep Your Health In Check

Running is a great way of strengthening your heart and ensuring an efficient flow of oxygen and blood in your body. It can help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

It can help keep your cholesterol in check, fend off osteoporosis because of healthy fitness levels, and improve joint movement.

If the weather in your area is too cold to go running outside, get a treadmill for your home to keep your endorphins high and stress levels as low as possible.

Get The UREVO Foldable Treadmill For Your Home

a woman running on a treadmill with a black frame

This is a great piece of equipment that can help you stay true to your running goals. It has 12 pre-set programs and a 16.5-inch wide treat belt to help you run to your fullest potential. You also get more room near your elbows, so you can take bigger strides and run freely without anything holding you back.

This is a foldable machine that you can simply fold and slide under your couch. So you won’t have to worry about lugging a piece of equipment in and out of the living room multiple times a day. Order your UREVO foldable treadmill from Amazon today, and start running!

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