Stair Climber Guide: 6 Myths Busted

Do you also make a beeline for the elliptical or treadmill when you’re at the gym? Then you’re not alone. Most people go for these workout machines for all the obvious reasons. These exercise tools offer punishing workouts.

However, there’s another underrated exercise tool that also offers killer workouts. A stair climber machine is an often-overlooked tool of equipment that offers effective exercise, tones the lower body and core and burns calories, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Most people don’t prefer stair climber machines because of the misconceptions associated with this excellent equipment. I have put together this guide to bust some stair-climbing myths, so you don’t overlook this equipment again.

Myth #1: Stair Climber Makes Your Legs Bulkier and Bigger

Many people don’t use stair climbers because they believe it will make their legs appear bigger and bulkier. That’s far from the truth.

The stair climber machine tones and sculpts the body, making your booty and legs appear leaner. Although your legs may look bigger after a stair-stepping workout, it’s only due to blood and more oxygen rushing through your muscles. However, this effect goes away after your body recovers from the workout.

Cardio machines don’t increase your leg size. It’s the increased weight resistance which builds leg muscles.

Myth #2: Your Legs Don’t Need More Lovin’

Untrue. Your lower body needs extra love to improve stability, and stair climbers can contribute to that. These machines offer solid workouts to lower the body for muscle breakdown and actual muscle gains.

However, you can pair cycling, outdoor running, treadmill or swimming with your stair climber exercise to reap full benefits. You can find multiple stair climber workout variations for the best results.

Myth #3: Stair Climbers Can Affect Knee Joints

Yes, stair-climbing workouts may not be ideal for someone struggling with knee pain or a pre-existing knee joint condition. It’s because stair-climbing machines can go hard on the knees, thus, aggravating the discomfort and pain.

However, stepping machines don’t add more knee pain if you maintain your posture and know how to use them. It’s important to start slow and steady.

Remember to keep your hamstrings and glutes continually activated instead of putting all forces on your calf muscles. You should also press on your feet, including your heels, when you step up the stairs.

Stair climber machines offer a relatively comfier workout than walking on stairs because you must step back down. Compared to that, you only go up when using a stepping machine.

A close-up of the stair climber machine

Myth #4: Stair Climber Workout Isn’t Cardio

Stair climbers aren’t the first choice for many people looking to get a good cardio workout. However, the stair climber is beginner-friendly and can serve as foundational cardio equipment.

Many fitness specialists recommend using stair climber workout variations at varying intensities to build cardiovascular strength, stamina and endurance. You can diversify your cardio workout from there.

Myth #5: Stair Climber Don’t Offer A Fun Exercise

Of course, a dull exercise is a red flag for most people. Having fun during a workout makes it all worth it. Otherwise, you cannot find a reason to push yourself to work hard.

Stair climber machines do offer fun workouts if you consider different variations and intensities. Though the machines offer preset workout programs, you can play around by trying squat, skipping stairs and stepping alternate legs at different paces.

Your stair climber workouts won’t be boring anymore when you try these variations. Wear hands-free to play your favorite playlist and shut the world out.

Myth #6: Stair Climber Machines Don’t Target Entire Body

False. Stair climber machines offer total-body workouts because they focus on much lower body and core muscle groups. These machines target the lower abs, quads, hamstrings, glutes and booty.

Move your arms during the workout for a bonus workout. Don’t slouch your shoulders on the machine or grip the handlebars too tight. This improper use can result in poor outcomes.

Additionally, working all your muscles together improves the workout intensity to amp up your heart rate and blood flow across each limb, resulting in weight loss. You also get a good aerobic workout in the process.

Mistakes You Should Avoid to Get Maximum Gains

Most people don’t use stair climber machines properly, which leads to limited gains. It’s essential to learn about these posture mistakes so you can get solid benefits. Here are some of the stair climber mistakes you should religiously avoid:

Take Tiny Steps with Balls of Your Feet

Many people take short and quick steps assuming that moving faster helps with the workout. Though it increases the heart rate, it doesn’t target larger groups of muscles. People take tiny steps using the balls of their feet, but it only tones their calves.

If you want to get an excellent workout, try taking larger and steady steps. Press your whole foot down, including the heels, to step up the stairs. Doing so not only works your calves but also tones your abdominals, glutes and thigh muscles.

Slouch Too Forward

One of the common mistakes people make during step machine workouts is lean forward too much or holding the handlebar too tight. When you collapse forward, it keeps your lungs from functioning at their optimal capacity.

It’s easier to slouch forward and cheat to make the workout easier, but that defeats the whole purpose of the exercise. You should maintain an upright posture with your hip flexors working hard.

Maintaining the right posture is also important to avoid any injury. Staying upright increases muscle contraction, mainly around the quadriceps and buttocks, and improves balance to reduce the risk of falls.

Step on the stairs by squeezing your butt and engaging your core to work your obliques as well.

Hang On Handlebars

The handrails are for safety purposes but holding too tight on them decreases the load on the legs. When you don’t work your legs, it eventually decreases the work your hamstrings and glutes do.

One way to avoid this mistake is by only placing fingertips on the handlebars or if you want more heat, go hands-free without leaning sideways or forward. This tightens your legs and engages your core, so your body stays upright.

If you feel your legs aren’t working in line with your upper body, you’re putting your weight too much on the handlebars. Doing so also puts unnecessary strain on your upper body, especially your shoulders. It also eliminates core engagement.

The purpose of stair climbing exercises is to mimic the act of climbing real stairs or going on a hiking trail. It should work your core, upper body and legs to carry out this action.

Stair Climber Recommendation For You

If you want to make the most of your stair-climbing workouts, you should avoid the aforementioned mistakes. The following stair climber workout equipment is a one-of-a-kind tool for maximum gains:

Signature Fitness Stair Stepping Machine

Signature Fitness' SF-C2 stair climber

SF-C2 stair stepping machine is a compact stair climber machine with a commercial-quality structure. Its compact “54 x 38 inches” size makes it perfect for small homes, living rooms or a bedroom.

The best way to use this machine is to first warm up and then start at low intensity. This stair climber enables users to control the machine while allowing them to see their movement effect at the same time.

Weight Capacity

SF-C2 continuous stair climber has excellent weight capacity. It can bear up to 375 lbs making it a sturdy workout machine for a home gym.

Strength Level

The machine allows multiple intensity levels from 1-15. You can begin with low-intensity resistance and work up your level as you advance. You can also change the resistance level in-between the workout.

Storage Rack

SF-C2 also features a water bottle and reading rack so you can read while stepping downstairs and reach your water bottle any time you need it.

Excellent Display

An electronic display on the machine lets you keep track of your performance. Users can track calories burned, time spent, steps taken, mileage and heart rate. You can also adjust your movement and resistance level based on the information displayed.

Workout Types

SF-C2 continuous climber machine targets larger muscles, including the lower body and core. You can tone your legs, quads, hamstrings, glutes and buttocks.

The Final Words

Stair climber machines are one of the underrated cardio machines. Most people confuse them with other dull workout equipment. If done right, people can make the most from a stair climber machine.

These machines tone large muscle groups, burn calories, reduce weight and build endurance. If you stand upright and maintain your posture, you can get full benefits from the machine. I have recommended Signature Fitness’s SF-C2 continuous climber. It’s a compact stair climber machine that targets your core and lower body and keeps track of your performance.

You can buy this amazing cardio equipment at Amazon by clicking here.

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