Your Complete Guide to Losing Weight in 10 Simple Steps

Losing weight is not an easy journey. It wasn’t an easy one for me, at least. It was a constant battle of trying to fight the urge to munch on something sweet and unhealthy from the pantry. However, initially, I thought losing weight was all about eating less. I admit calorie deficit is a big part of shedding off the extra pounds, but there’s a lot more that goes into it.

If you’re embarking on a weight loss journey, take a step back and reevaluate the process and what you think you know about it. I’m going to help you figure out what you need to do and prepare while you’re on your fitness journey.

Here’s your step-by-step guide to losing weight with nutrition and exercise:

Step1: Your Expectations Need To Align With Your Intentions

The allure of the ‘losing five pounds in a week’ diet can be profoundly strong. However, you and I are smart enough to understand that losing weight fast is the best goal for sustainable weight management and maintaining your fitness level and well-being.

So, when people often go on these diets, they get results that don’t last very long. They tend to lose their water weight and muscle mass instead of fat. Maintaining lean muscle throughout your journey is important because it plays an important part in maintaining your metabolism. In short, having muscle will help you burn more calories. But when you lose weight too quickly, your metabolism slows down, which also slows down your calorie-burning process. These fad diets can also cause a permanent slowing down of your metabolism.

If you’re trying to lose weight, remove the word “diet” from your vocabulary. Dieting has a negative connotation in which we deprive ourselves of tasty things. It can also make you hungry and constantly think about food, which is exactly what you want to avoid. Also, weight loss is more about nutrition. You’ll need to think about what you’re putting into your body which can help you lose fat.

You’ll also need to set yourself SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-sensitive goals. And when you achieve your goals, you can give yourself a treat within limits.

a person with their feet planted on a white scale

Step 2: Start Small And Steady

If you only think about losing those 40 pounds, you may overwhelm yourself and feel discouraged from the beginning. This is the time you need to motivate and cheer the hell out of yourself up for being strong and going on this journey. Try to target 2-4 pounds in a month. This is a small yet achievable target. Losing 5-10% of your overall body weight can help you reduce the risk for cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, and hypertension and improve your overall well-being.

Step 3: Cut Out Your Processed Food And Refined Carbs

Another way to shed some extra pounds is to decrease the processed foods, starches, and sugars in your meals. You can consider high-protein-based meals with lesser carbohydrates. Or replace your carbohydrates with whole grains for extra nutrition. You’ll feel more fulfilled and won’t feel hungry after a few hours. And when you feel fuller quickly, you’ll end up eating lesser calories.

By eliminating carbohydrates significantly from your meals, you’ll be burning up your fat stores instead of the readily available energy sources you’d normally consume for your body.

On the other hand, if you eat complex carbs and whole grains in your new eating calorie-deficit plan, you’ll hit the jackpot. You’ll gain immense benefits from the high fiber. And you’ll digest your meal slowly, keeping you fuller for longer.

noodles lifted with a fork from a bowl

Step 4: Eat Your Meats

Eat your eggs, meat, fish, and other protein sources to balance your plate. A balanced meal for the day includes a small portion of carbohydrates, a portion of vegetables, a fat source, and a good protein source.

On average, you’ll need to consume 58-95 grams of protein if you’re male and 47-78 grams of protein if you’re a female. However, many factors will influence your protein needs. If you’re an athlete, you’ll need to eat 1.5-2 grams per Kg of your body weight, 1.1-1.3 grams per Kg if you’re 65 and older, and 0.7-1 gram per Kg if you’re an older adult.

Since protein is processed slower, you’ll feel fuller for longer. You can get a good amount of proteins from tofu, tempeh, quinoa, legumes, beans, eggs, shrimp, sardines, trout, salmon, lamb, pork, chicken, and beef.

Step 5: Your Meal Should Always Include Vegetables

Leafy greens are now your new best friends. They’re filled with vitamins and minerals, and you can consume a large amount of these vegetables without increasing a lot of calories and carbohydrates. Although some vegetables have many nutrients, they’re high in carbohydrates, like corn, winter squash, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc.

These vegetables have complex carbohydrates because they have fiber but limit the amount on your plate. Sweet potatoes and cream sound and taste heavenly, but they’re not a complete meal.

Some of the vegetables you can include in your meals are peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, swiss chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli.

Step 6: Fats Are Also Important

You shouldn’t boycott fats entirely out of your nutrition because your body needs healthy fats. You can include Avocado and olive oils in your meals. Nuts, olives, and seeds are delicious alternatives. You can also include kinds of butter, but remember to use them in moderation because they have a high amount of saturated fat.

Step 7: Include Exercise In Your Routine

Exercise is not required for you to lose weight, but it can help you lose weight quickly. You can try lifting weights or cardio at home. Running is one of the most efficient kinds of cardio. Your entire body is involved in this movement, which can help you build lean muscle.

Another way is weight lifting. This can help you put on muscle mass and lose fat with your meal plans simultaneously. Both of these are great for weight loss and have numerous health benefits.

Step 8: Try Meal Plans Like Nutrisystem Or Jenny Craig

Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig are tried and tested meal plans by hundreds of Americans, including me. They’re great for people who don’t have enough time to prepare meals or do large meal prep over the weekend. Also, calorie counting for every meal you make can be exhausting.

These are frozen meal plans that can be ordered from the company. If you wish to try to out the meals and see if you like them, you can find them here on Amazon.

The Nutrisystem meal plan includes six meals in a day with breakfast, lunch, and dinner and 3 snacks. You get one snack after each meal. While in Jenny Craig meals, you get only 2 snacks after the lunch and dinner meals.

You also get individual coaching in Jenny Craig once a week with a counselor. Since the company has more than 610 centers around the world, you can easily find a local one in your hometown. However, with Nutrisystem, you get access to the NuMi application, which can help motivate you to track your weight loss process.

All of these meals have low calories and fewer carbohydrates, with a focus on quality protein. However, you may need to cut up some vegetables for a salad to make a more balanced meal.

a cardboard box containing 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners, and 7 snacks based on a 7-day diet plan

Step 9: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

I can’t stress this enough. You need to drink water to satiate your sugar craving. Also, water is extremely necessary for your body to burn fat and store energy. You can set the alarm on your phone to remind you to drink water throughout the day. You should be drinking at least 8 ounces of water 8 times a day.

Also, try to drink water at least half-hour before your meal to help start your digestive system. And try to avoid drinking copious amounts of water right after you’ve finished your meal. It can cause bloating.

Step 10: Don’t Go Overboard

It’s okay to treat yourself once a month if you feel like your new meals are too restrictive. However, don’t go overboard with both your rewards and efforts. Don’t cut too much on the calories and portions that you overeat for your next meal.

Also, don’t feel frustrated if you hit a plateau on the scales. There will come a point where your weight loss slows down. However, you may be dropping your wardrobe sizes instead.

If you’re to go on your weight loss journey, you can now do so with ease. However, plan it out first. Determine if you need a meal plan or have space for a treadmill in your home. Factor all of this into your fitness budget. Once you’ve written everything down, you can get everything you need. Now, I believe you’re ready. Bon Voyage!

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